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Sunday, 15. December 2002
It's official: Loan is @ Supreme
And this is the new model card of Loan Chabanol, one of France's best loved models, who moved last month from Elite to Supreme. The polaroids were taken by the Supreme stuff, and the card was sent last thursday to major magazines and advertisers. Loan is famous for not winning the Elite contest of 1998. The photographers and the pros were so pissed off by the judges decision that they booked Loan, then 17, to immediate assignements. She hasn't stopped since, but never made it to the top-league. Maybe she will now. ... Link
Diana sold again
UK's leading tabloid, THE NEWS OF THE WORLD, published this week-end quotes from intimate letters written by Lady Di, Princess of Wales. In a slow, measured voice, James Hewitt's conniving lawyer read Princess Diana's most intimate admissions of love — thumbing each handwritten page as secret after astonishing secret poured out. These were the letters James Hewitt had promised never to sell...yet now, in a hotel room in Zurich, he authorised his solicitor Michael Coleman to hawk the lot. Holding the letters, he leaned across the table to show our undercover reporter the handwriting and said: "They cover the whole period of the Gulf war. It's sexual stuff—a woman writing to her lover." Then reading an extract, he spoke Diana's words: "I'm glad to hear about my friend, let's hope he is okay." Coleman explained: "That's a reference to part of James's physique." Continuing with the letter, the lawyer read on without a trace of emotion: "No doubt you've looked around all the ladies by now and I wonder what your score card looks like...all chicks look good with a tan. "Of course I remember your ‘experience' with the two French ladies. It was a story I was told more than once and obviously you were chuffed to bits with what took place, however I got over that eventually, I think its called greed." In a letter dated March 4, 1991, Diana makes a reference to sending Hewitt saucy packages, including a magazine she bought herself in WH Smith's. She also says: "Take enormous care, I think of you a great deal and long for you to return...practice really needed." Earlier in the same note, Diana talks about a package she has sent. "There's a surprise coming out to you, hopefully a nice one, something I hope you'll like," she says. "If not I want it back, there is nothing like whetting your appetite." All the letters were signed ‘Julia'. Lawyer Coleman added: "She also talks about other girls they met." Then, turning to the relevant letter, he read out: "You recall that beautiful redhead...you did this serious chat-up line...many months ago...she wasn't too impressed." She adds: "the next thing you'll be asking for is a...doll." Our undercover reporter asked Coleman: "Didn't the princess mind him having other women?" Coleman answered: "No, they were quite OK about it." Then he read an extract from another letter in which she writes: "Another parcel sent away this morning, filthy card included." Coleman leapt from page to page, picking out passages he thought a buyer would like. All the letters were written on ‘blueys'—special Forces letters issued free by the MoD to those close to serving soldiers. They always required a name and address on the back. To protect her identity Diana always filled in the name ‘E Daglia' on the outside. Coleman is the same lawyer who, when he was representing Hewitt over his autobiography, promised the world: "The letters as such will not appear. "James has always made it clear they are private. He will not disclose them and he will not sell them." But he told our investigator this week: "If I was a collector I would be interested in buying the series." He added: I personally believe he was in love with her until she died." And he laughed: "If we could bottle his secret you'd make a fortune." Yesterday, at Claridge's hotel in London, Hewitt himself held court. And he even claimed that Prince Charles was HAPPY with his relationship with Diana. "It suited Charles," he said haughtily. "Because while she was happy, she was off his back." He also elaborated on the letters as he chatted to the man he thought was the ‘Swiss tycoon'. Asked why she signed the letters ‘Julia', he said: "That's the name she always used, and the name E Daglia on the outside of the letters would have been one of Diana's maids. "Sometimes, she wrote to me three times a day." And referring to his sexual prowess, he smirked: "It's all in the treatment...we had fun." Our investigator wasn't laughing. The News of the World will not be buying the letters. There are also many section that we heard read out that we would not dream of publishing. Today, James Hewitt will know he has sunk as low as he can go. This is the end of the original article. Reuters just picked up the story, so expect to see it Monday morning on every front page. It's amazing how this woman continues to sell newspapers even from the grave ... Link ... Next page
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