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Tuesday, 11. February 2003
Acting performance of the Day
By Adrian Shaw The Mirror The 33-year-old actress said she broke down in tears and felt violated at discovering paparazzi snaps of her tying the knot with Michael Douglas had been sold to Hello! magazine. And the move scuppered a £1million deal the couple signed with the journal's bitter rivals, OK! Catherine complained the Hello! pictures were poor quality and made her look big, which could blight her image as an actress. She also told how she felt like the prey of snappers who act like "big game hunters" to track her down. Catherine was making her long-awaited appearance in the High Court witness box for her and Michael's £500,000 privacy action against Hello! The eight-month pregnant Chicago star told of the moment she found out about the rogue pictures, by photographer Rupert Thorpe - son of former Liberal leader Jeremy. She said: "I remember sitting on the phone crying about the way our memories of the wedding, which had seemed so wonderful, had soured. "The poor quality of the pictures was what any bride would hate to have. It was cheap and tacky and everything I didn't want to have shown as being part of my big day. "Michael and I were devastated. It was an appalling and very upsetting shock to discover that our wedding had been invaded in that way. "Our peace and happiness evaporated. I felt violated and that something precious has been stolen from me. Our distress and anger at what Hello! did continues to this day. "It was awful for me to have to think about this so soon after our beautiful wedding. I was suddenly thrown from the quiet, peace and joy of our time alone to anger and feelings of betrayal at Hello! But cross-examined by Hello! QC James Price, Catherine conceded the OK! spread showed the couple's wedding night bedroom, complete with petals strewn from the door to the canopy of the bed. She said: "I will withdraw that accusation". Hello! and OK! had been involved in a battle to secure the rights to the couple's November 2000 wedding at the Plaza hotel in New York. Thorpe breached tight security to take his pictures with a hidden camera. The couple claim Hello! chiefs plotted the covert photo session "to spite us" after losing out on the deal to OK! CATHERINE said she particularly objected to one Hello! picture which showed Michael putting a fork full of cake into her mouth. It was repeated in a tabloid newspaper under the headline Catherine Eater Jones. She added: "I wouldn't want a picture of my husband shoving food down my throat to be photographed. It looks as though all I did that day was eat." However, the court heard the couple agreed a syndication deal under which the OK! pictures could be published in 23 magazines in 21 countries and one, in America's People magazine, showed her feeding Douglas wedding cake. She said: "One was taken with our knowledge, the other was stolen. It has a hairy arm in the foreground and a flash covering the cake. One is legit. One is stolen." Asked to look at a copy of Hello! containing the photographs, she described one which featured her father - who "was a very proud man that night" - as "very offensive". Another looked as if it was "doused in bad disco lighting". Catherine denied the OK! deal had been motivated by money. There was laughter in court when Mr Price said the rights to his wedding were not sold for £1million. The actress replied: "I can understand." She went on: "I get well compensated in my job and my husband has had a long career and is successful. It is a lot of money to people in this room but it's not that much money for us." ... Link
a delightful hatchet-job on the US editor
Bonnie - she's just like us Everyone will be watching Bonnie Fuller this Fashion Week — but let’s hope for her sake they’re not watching too closely. While the Us Weekly editor made a splash in the Bryant Park Tents last fall with her flashy, gossipy Us Daily, mastering her own style has proven more of a challenge. Whether it’s wife-beater T- shirts, too-tiny minidresses or slavish devotion to logos, Fuller has commited more style infractions than the B-celebs skewered every week in her magazine’s “Fashion Police” feature. She once wore a wool dress to work at Cosmopolitan magazine, oblivious that the washing instructions were visible on the outside. “There was a tag that read ‘Lavare a mano,’ which means ‘wash by hand’ in Italian,” says a former employee. “Bonnie must have thought it was the designer’s label because she wore it around like a badge.” Then Fuller turned up at the office tricked out in head-to-toe insignias — a big-time boo-boo. “It was a full-on Burberry checked trench coat, a Gucci logo hat and, like, Chanel logoed boots. We couldn’t believe it.” Stories about her sartorial goofs are water-cooler conversation from Elle Girl to Modern Maturity. “One time, Bonnie was changing in the office before going to a function,” a Glamour staffer remembers. “She put on this really tight white column dress and asked a bunch of us how she looked in it. “Well, it didn’t look good,” admits our spy. “The dress was completely the wrong shape for her and it did nothing to accentuate her neck, which is her best feature. “But the worst part was that you could totally see through it to her underwear,” she continues. “No one would say anything. Everyone was standing there, going, ‘Oh, Bonnie! You look great!’ ” Then a particularly candid staffer walked in the room, looked at his boss and said, ‘Someone please tell her that her underwear is showing!’ ” Fuller was good-natured about the incident. “She laughed it off,” the eyewitness says. “But she’s always had a sense of humor about her style.” That’s probably a good thing. Though she’s been going to fashion shows for more than a decade, Fuller’s never been a style maker, unlike Allure’s Linda Wells, Vanity Fair’s Elizabeth Saltzman or Vogue’s Anna Wintour — Fuller’s idol, according to those close to her. Fuller launched her daily Fashion Week gossip sheet last fall with a star-struck paean to Wintour, her “oh-so-perfect taste” and “thin, lean, slender frame.” Former staffers at the Us Daily say Fuller agonized long and hard over every gushy word. “Bonnie definitely looks up to Anna,” a Glamour writer says. “People say it’s because Bonnie has alway wanted to be a fashionista, but knows she never will be. She’s the underdog.” While Wintour looks like she was born in an Oscar de la Renta onesie over Chanel diapers, Fuller “dresses liks a very successful working mother,” says writer Jessie Knadler, who worked for Fuller for years. “She dresses well for her figure and she always wears kick-ass shoes,” Knadler says. The 46-year-old mom comes off as low-maintenance, but she’s not fooling her magazine staff. Pre-party primping is de rigeur among top editors, and Fuller can take it to extremes. Not only do Us Weekly editors have to show their boss pages while her hair is in rollers and her nails are being painted — but those outside the glass-enclosed office can’t help but watch the team of beauty pros go to work on her in full view of anyone who happens to be walking by. It’s no surprise her rituals are the talk of the office. “She totally stresses out before public appearances. She calls in a stylist and a makeup artist to work on her — I think it’s in her contract,” says a former Us editor. “But the big joke around the office is that when they’re done, she looks no different than when they started.” Some might think it odd that a woman who’s spent most of her career at fashion magazines would have such a hard time sorting out her own closet. But then, whoever said you had to wear clothes well to write about them? “Even if she doesn’t express it with her own look,” says a Fuller watcher, “she definitely knows how to sell style.” ... Link ... Next page
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