Supermodels Are Lonelier Than You Think! |
Tuesday, 19. November 2002
Fun reading of the day
Male RA gets crash course in women Soren Begley never had much to do with girls until he enrolled at Harcum College in Bryn Mawr, with 500 female students and just 30 males. And became a resident adviser on a hall with 16 women. Soren and his sweet 16. He watches the Eagles alone. But what he has learned about women! One: "They eat up the toilet paper." On his hall, every four women share one bathroom, and each bathroom is allotted two rolls per week. It is Soren's job to ration TP, and two rolls is not enough. "I just want to know where it all goes," he said, mystified. Two: "I began to see very clearly the difference between a good woman and a bad woman," he said. A good woman is sweet, understanding, fair, "kind of like a mom," Soren said. "She knows she can trust me, that I'm not a player. A bad girl has attitude, and she's a gossip." Three: Women can be cunning. "They know how to get what they want," he said, "especially from a guy." For instance, if a toilet or drain gets clogged, or ceiling lightbulb needs replacing, or a window gets stuck, Soren gets sweet-talked into making the repairs. Not that he minds. In fact, one woman on his floor kept asking him to fix things until he finally figured out she had a crush on him Read on
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