Supermodels Are Lonelier Than You Think!
Sunday, 15. December 2002
Who's that girl?

The guy is model Brian Leider @ Ford Men. The photographer is Mario Testino. But who's the gal?

You give up?

Well, the blonde bombshell wearing this stunning Eres bikini (plus Blahnik stiletos and a Prada jacket) is the most succesful model-turned-actress ever, Cameron Diaz. Did you noticed she looks significantly sexier when her face is covered?

Mario Testino did this one for the Vanity Fair January issue, but in the other shots even he couldn't do much to improve the subject. On the cover, for example, Diaz just looks like a second-rate Lady Di. Still, it's great when he manages to do his signature styling, the babe-just-open-your-legs-wide pose. I'll upload this one in a few hours (Monday).

The interview itself is a catastrophe, since Diaz turns out to be, well, stupid. The writer (Bruce Handy) tries desperately to make her sound interesting, (typical Diaz quote: "I love working with people and having a good time"), but the bottom line is he uses only 500 words from their conversation, and the remaining 4,000 words of the "interview" is based on background research, interviews with directors, producers and actors who know her, and even a 400 words quote from Charles Dickens. The great discovery is Cameron Diaz eats. Well, at least sometimes she eats. The journalist testifies that even if she ordered only soup and an artichoke at lunch , she ate those with bread (white!). And a producer she worked with claims that once, he saw her eating a 2-course lunch ("I mean, she ate like a truck-driver").

In the end the magazine can't hide the truth too much, so the leader reads "Cameron Diaz is either very lucky or very smart" (let the readers judge...), and the text includes the sentence "this is a woman whose genetic blessings are as manifest as her lack of affectation".

I liked only a quote (probably fabricated) taken from the Farrely brothers remembering their first meeting with the then model-trying-to-act: "I asked her, 'Is it true you had to fuck Jim Carrey to get into Something About Mary?' She said, 'No, I blew him'".

Update: I uploaded a bigger version of the pic above here. The second pic by Testino I metionned is here.

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