Supermodels Are Lonelier Than You Think!
Thursday, 14. November 2002
What could he possibly find in her

Scandinavian TV-channel TV3 made a big fuss this week, claiming Mick
Jagger, 59, is lusting after Swedish model Caroline Winberg, 17. We have Caroline's reaction and the somewhat confused Expressen follow-up (special thx to Kicki Gustafsson for the tip and translation):

" He calls me every now and then. Right now, he wants me to visit him
on their world tour", she says (according to Expressen, Sweden's second
largest tabloid).Caroline is predicted to become a really hot model. Armani, Moshino and Cavalli are said to be wanting her for their campaigns.

"You meet quite a few interesting people, and one of them whom I've
been spending time with is Mick Jagger, says Caroline, who seems not to be making too much of the matter. When she sees on the display that it's
Jagger calling, she usually chooses not to pick up the phone.

"A lot of people are asking me about him, but I don't want to talk
much about it. It's nothing really, and I don't want to be known only
because he phones me. I mean, he's the same age as my grandfather!
Caroline has, according to Expressen, been given strict orders by her
agency Stockholmsgruppen [The Stockholm Group] not to talk about how
Jagger is wooing her.

Caroline's mother, Camilla, says to Expressen that the first time her
daughter met Mick Jagger, he told her that he was one of the Rolling
Stones. Her reaction was: - Mhm? And what do you do in the band?

-"It is a bit scary, of course, him being almost 60 years, continues
her mother. There is a reason why he's contacting these young girls. But I'm quite sure Caroline can handle this, she's not easily impressed".

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Strange story of the day

Woman charged with preaching nude at Shepherd College

SHEPHERDSTOWN, W.Va. - A Martinsburg woman was charged with indecent exposure and other violations after Shepherd College police responded to the front of McMurran Hall Monday and found a nude woman outside reading a Bible, court records said.

Barbara Marie Harmison of 848 E. Moler Ave., Apt. 3, was also charged with disturbance of school and disorderly conduct, Jefferson County Magistrate Court records said.

Harmison was being held in the Eastern Regional Jail Tuesday night on $2,000 bond.

Shepherd College police initially made contact with the woman around 10 a.m. Monday, court records said.

Campus police told the woman she could not preach on the campus unless she received permission from the school's student affairs department, court records said. Sgt. David Kelvington said he believes the woman had been preaching in front of McMurran Hall, which is downtown at the corner of German and King streets.

Police told the woman that if she received permission to preach on the campus, she would have to do so on the midway, an open grassy area between the student center and Sara Cree Hall, court records said.

At about 1:30 p.m., campus police received another call regarding the woman, court records said. Police were told the woman was reading from the Bible in front of McMurran Hall, court records said.

"At this time, the defendant was reading from the Bible and she was totally nude. There were people standing all over and there were classes going on during this time," Patrolman R.A. Houchins said in a criminal complaint.

The woman's clothes were piled beside her, Kelvington said.

Police asked the woman to put her clothes and shoes back on, court records said. She then was handcuffed, Houchins said.

The woman did not say why she was preaching in the nude, Kelvington said.

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