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Wednesday, 12. February 2003
Milwaukee again...
Couple baring souls in wedding Like any bride-to-be, Sherry Olson has a million details to worry about before her big day. But even though she's getting married in three weeks, one thing she isn't obsessing about is the wedding dress. In fact, she won't be wearing anything. Olson and her fiance, Joe Folz, will travel to Jamaica for a Valentine's Day wedding, where the pair from Centuria will join 47 other couples who plan to get hitched without wearing a stitch in what's being billed as the world's largest nude wedding. "We're different. Obviously," explained Folz, a 31-year-old welder. "Neither one of us are real churchgoing people - no offense to anybody - so we figured we might as well get married in the buff, on the beach." Folz and Olson are one of two Wisconsin couples who plan to tie the knot at the mass wedding at Jamaica's Hedonism III resort. From a nude hot tub that starts hopping at around 2 a.m. when the disco crowd takes a dip, to nude bocce ball, mummy wrapping and beer drinking contests, there are activities for both nudes and "prudes," the resort says. This is the third year for the event, and with nearly 50 couples participating Feb. 14, the resort is looking to get in the "Guinness World Records" book. If it's included, Guinness would have to create a new category for nude mass weddings. "It really is a beautiful event," says resort official Zein Nakash. "Just because they're naked, it isn't vulgar. It's very tasteful and beautiful." About a dozen couples got married in the buff in each of the first two years of the mass wedding, which takes place against a backdrop of fig leaves, exotic flowers and the Caribbean Sea. Focus on vows ... Link
Yes, but a French accent makes the chicks giggle
Scots accent is most loved A SCOTS tongue may not guarantee you a happy Valentine's Day, but it may improve your chances of at least getting a date, according to a recent poll which named the Scots accent as the sexiest in the UK. Whether it can be traced to Sir Sean Connery's baritone drawl, or Lulu's raspy twang, the accent has narrowly edged out the Irish brogue as the one to melt the hardest of hearts, with four out of ten people in a UK survey saying Scots had the sexiest voices. Scotland also came out well as a romantic holiday destination, with the Highlands and Edinburgh among the most popular choices in the UK. Irish accents came a close second, with 39 per cent of people saying a touch of Irish was most likely to get them in the mood for love. The most popular English accent was Geordie, which earned 19 per cent of the vote. Faring worst of all was Birmingham, with the West Midland twang not even earning a place. In Scotland, 64 per cent of men and women regularly sat down to romantic candlelit meals with their partners. While Londoners showed their talents for flirting, particularly by e-mail, they fared less well for commitment, with the highest number of single people living there. ... Link ... Next page
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